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CM Tech delivers dreams and hopes
by practicing filial piety and love sharing.

This is because another mission of CM Tech is to ensure that its development and growth can lead to the growth of our employees,
their families, and the community as a whole.
Dreams and Hope
  • Love for the Environment
    Energy saving and waste reduction activities /
    Expanding participation from the local community in environmental campaigns
  • Sharing Love
    Practicing communication
    and sharing through love-sharing year-end night
  • Family Love
    Regular sponsorships for Yedam House of Love, Wilderness Mission, Joseph’s House, and House of Grace Sponsorship for broken families / Scholarships for children (Hyun-soo Kim Scholarship Foundation) / Family-friendly business management
  • Love Your Neighbors
    Implementation of neighborly love support through the ‘General Support Center for Seniors Living Alone’ Regular sponsorship and volunteer work for seniors living alone
  • Commendation for Meritorious Contribution to the Project to Provide Protection for the Elderly Living Alone
  • Gyeonggi-do
    Good Company Award
  • Gyeonggi-do Family-friendly Good Workplace Certificate