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“Leaping forward as a Global Leader”

by securing quality competitiveness

At CM Tech, all employees actively participate in quality management activities to achieve zero defects and
customer satisfaction with the best quality and servicesby the management philosophy and vision.
  • Best Quality
    We establish the best quality through everyone’s
    participation as our organizational culture,
    which ensures that all work is done correctly from
    the beginning and promotes a sense of responsibility
    for quality.
  • Flawless Product
    Realize the perfect product that customers can satisfy
    with systematic and continuous development.
  • Global Competition
    We develop core technologies based on a quality
    management system and secure a global competitive
    edge through continuous process innovation activities.
  • Customization
    We have established a quality assurance system
    that covers from the product planning stage to the
    timely supply of products of the desired quality by
    understanding the diverse needs of our customers
    in advance.